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Introducing Psi Chi's First Partner:

The Red Flag Campaign

We are proud to introduce Psi Chi’s first partnership: The Red Flag Campaign. The idea for a partnership came about when the president of Psi Chi, Judah Butler, attended a Red Flag Campaign event. During the event there were multiples speakers that educated a large group of student leaders about dating violence. “I learned a lot from attending the Red Flag Campaign event. I think that this is an important issue that more people should be aware of. We need people to be knowledgeable about this issue and take action,” said Judah Butler.


This campaign is dedicated to educating the public, specifically students, about dating violence on campuses. Date violence is an issue that involves both males and females. By using the “bystander intervention” strategy, the campaign encourages friends and other campus community members to “say something” when they see warning signs (“red flags”) for dating violence in a friend’s relationship.





When you see a red flag:

Speak up:

When peers say things that support disrespect or violence, choose respect and speak up for what’s right.

Step in:

When one person is mistreating another verbally, physically, or emotionally, step in politely to stop the situation if it is safe to do so.

Talk later:

Sometimes it’s better to wait and talk to the abuser or the person who is being abused later, in private. The person may be less defensive and talk more openly in a one-on-one conversation.

Gather resources:

You may want to contact a campus dating violence program or sexual assault crisis center, or a community non-profit off campus to gather information about what to do next, and to seek support for yourself.

Help the Red Flag Campaign and Psi Chi spread awareness about date violence. If you see a red flag in a relationship be active.


If you feel that you are in an abusive relationship, you are not alone. There is help available for you or someone you know who suffers in an abusive relationship.


This information was provided by

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